Mulled wine; mulled cider; kittens; mince pies in the shape of Christmas trees; terrible, terrible Christmas records: these are a few of the Folkbuddies favourite things.
Caution: May contain me singing.
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Playlist (naughty)
Playlist (nice)
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Saturday, December 20, 2014
Hilarious and Fun and Crazy and Awesome
you could probably still get a copy for Christmas, if you hurry
i'll sign it for you if you ask me nicely...
Wednesday, December 03, 2014
If you purchase
The Viewer's Complete Tale
Do Balrogs Have Wings
George and Joe and Jack and Bob (and me)
Where Dawkins Went Wrong
Who Sent The Sentinels
and type in the the code FJE5 (new codes every day)
then you could have my complete works
for about 36 quid
or about 56 of your American "bucks"
or you could avail yourself of a 3 for 2 deal
you know it makes sense
I also co-created a game that will definitely make you a better person.
The Viewer's Complete Tale
Do Balrogs Have Wings
George and Joe and Jack and Bob (and me)
Where Dawkins Went Wrong
Who Sent The Sentinels
and type in the the code FJE5 (new codes every day)
then you could have my complete works
for about 36 quid
or about 56 of your American "bucks"
or you could avail yourself of a 3 for 2 deal
you know it makes sense
I also co-created a game that will definitely make you a better person.