If you write "The flashback in the extended Two Towers was ill-judged because it retrospectively changed Boromir's motivation, making him a less interesting and less admirable character, and contradicting what we've already been told about him", a certain proportion of the Interweb will hear "I morally deny this scene's right to exist because it contradicts the footnote to the unpublished appendix on the use of the dative in middle-Quenya."
Similarly, the magic rhetoric fairy will take the words "I don't think you should criticize things without reading them first" out of your mouth and turn them into "You cannot possibly appreciate Glamourpuss unless you have read and memorized the minute details of all 300 issues of Cerebus."
(I'm Andrew Rilstone, and I used to read to RPG.Net, but I've been clean for over a month.)
So, whatever I am about to say, certain segments of my fanbase will interpret it as meaning "I wish that spaceships still looked as if they'd been made out of old hair-driers and I'm still sore at Jon Pertwee for quitting."
But I think it would be really helpful if before going any further, we all sat quietly for a moment, and said in our hearts some of the things that we really like about Doctor Who.
The redesign of the TARDIS interior.
Destroying the Time Lords.
Powerful, scary Daleks.
Daleks with personalities and dialogue; slightly sympathetic Daleks.
The Time War
Billie Piper.
The Doctor as a darker figure.
The Doctor as a lonely figure.
The Doctor as capable of romance.
Showing the creature inside the Dalek.
Re-imagining the programme as taking place in a real world setting.
Recurrent scenes involving the companions' family.
The Ood.
Billie Piper.
The re-design of the Cybermen.
Use of CGI to do stuff that previously only happened in TV Century 21
Billie Piper.
Use of real world cameos to give impression that big stuff is happening.
The re-design of the Sontarans.
Making companions equal partners with the Doctor.
The idea of the Doctor as a tourist.
Sense of a Doctor Who world – Harriet Jones, UNIT, Torchwood, etc...
45 minute episodes
The Satan Pit
The Empty Child
Human Nature
The Girl in the Fireplace
Father's Day
The title sequence
Does anyone else want to share?
If you have enjoyed this essay, please consider buying a copy of The Viewers Tale or Fish Custard which collects all my writings about Doctor Who to date.
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ReplyDeleteThe Weeping Angels
Derek Jacobi in a wholly un-John-Cleese-like cameo
The family of blood
and of course Billie Piper, bless her
I've just had a long think, and am surprised to realise that my list reads
Interesting. I would have had 'Insisting on showing us the creature inside the Dalek every story' as one of the mild annoyances.
ReplyDeleteI rather like the Judoon, but I've always had a soft spot for rhinocerouses.
I quite liked "The Shakespeare Code".
ReplyDeleteInteresting. I would have had 'Insisting on showing us the creature inside the Dalek every story' as one of the mild annoyances.
ReplyDeleteAt this stage, we only want to hear nice things.
I actually did like that scene where the Daleks all go 'exterminate'.
ReplyDeleteBillie Piper leaving...
ReplyDeleteMartha Jones
"Hey! Who turned out the lights?"
Adam (the companion who SHOULD have been, second only to...)
The sound of Cyber-footsteps
Lady Cassandra
Eccleston dad-dancing
Doctor Ecclestone cheerfully suggesting "Run for your life".
ReplyDeleteThe return of Sarah Jane Smith.
Sarah Jane Smith. I want to be her.
ReplyDeleteThe bit in The Doctor Dances when the Doctor mocks Rose's accent "Of course I've darnced"
Catherine Tate. Yeah, I know, apparently I'm weird.
The Jackie/Pete "reunion scene". "I'm rich" "It doesn't matter. (Pause) How rich?"
"Half human! Blasphemy!"
The concept of Human Nature - the Doctor being a human who only dreams of being the Doctor.
The bit in the Long Game when Adam goes off and gets into trouble.
The bit where the Master dies but the Doctor's the one who's crying.
Daleks. I like Daleks.
ReplyDeleteAre you my mommy?
billie piper is not the doctor
john simms is the doctor
turn right (not wrong) (horrible pun intended)
more of the tardis
the doctor sleeping
the doctor having a nightmare
doctor who meets davis tennant
CO2 poisoning
a planed kiss
river phoneix
and for the randomness of it
the doctor in japan drinking sake'