Monday, December 01, 2014

Some of you probably saw this. I was quite chuffed by it.


Andrew Rilstone said...

In fact, I am so chuffed that I am giving up blogging, podcasting, writing about Star War and Doctor Who , listening to folk music, drinking coffee, reading comic books and just bask in the glory of it all. It's been nice to know you all.

JWH said...

Haha! Well done you. Although I was sorry that 'Dying of the Light' didn't get in there too...

Eric Spratling said...

The things I miss when I'm on vacation....

Mike Taylor said...

Huh? Saw what?

Andrew Rilstone said...

"Once Upon a Time
As the name suggests, Once Upon a Time is a creation set in the fairytale realm. It’s a relatively simple card game of improvised storytelling, and trying to muscle in on rivals’ narratives, with rules that gently encourage originality. It specialises in delighting players by revealing creative talent previously unknown, and can be reworked as a autors’ tool with the ‘Writer’s Handbook’, available separately. It’s also a popular tool in many classrooms." - The Guardian

Mike Taylor said...

Ooohhhh ... I didn't realise that "Some of you probably saw this. I was quite chuffed by it." was a link. Reading it now!

Mike Taylor said...

OK, I'm sold. Where is the best place to buy it?

Andrew Rilstone said...