Saturday, April 17, 2010

Very good interview with Matt and Karen in this month's Sci-FI Now, I thought. Why, the interviewer asks very much the questions that I might have asked myself....


  1. Is there are way to read this without taking out a subscription? Simple pay-per-view would work for me.

  2. I don't think there's an online version, although they sometimes put articles on their website after the magazine is out of date. (e.g But you can pick up a copy in Smiths for a fiver, should you feel that way inclined.

  3. I believe the appropriate comment at this moment is "squee!!!!" I'll see if I can find one in WHS.

  4. Ha! My nearest Smiths is an hour's bus-ride away, on a bus that only runs every two hours. This is the downside of living the glorious countryside of rural Gloucestershire. Rats. You're right about Star Wars, though (and especially about not calling it Episode IV).

  5. The Imagine eShop website claims to sell single issues of Sci-Fi Now for £4.40 (plus £1.50 P&P in the UK):-

  6. I think that no 12 ( of 25 things Who must do) is probably precisely the opposite of my (entirely reasonable) suggestion. Although I can see that it might be popular.

    Rest seem pretty much spot on. And I liked the interviews...


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