"I know that astrology isn't a science...of course it isn't. It's just an arbitrary set of rules like chess or tennis. The rules just kind of got there. They don't make any kind of sense except in terms of themselves. But when you start to exercise those rules, all sorts of processes start to happen and you start to find out all sorts of stuff about people. In astrology the rules happen to be about stars and planets, but they could be about ducks and drakes for all the difference it would make. It's just a way of thinking about a problem which lets the shape of that problem begin to emerge. The more rules, the tinier the rules, the more arbitrary they are, the better."
Douglas Adams

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Do comments left here get mirrored to facebook? (The converse does not happen.)
ReplyDeleteAre you familiar with Michael Ward's Planet Narnia book and website? If not, it seems like the sort of thing you would find interesting.
ReplyDeleteNo, comments here don't appear on facebook, and while I READ fanmail on facebook, I only respond to it here (otherwise my life would get unnecessarily complicated).
ReplyDeleteI am going to write an essay about Ward, possibly as an "extra" in the dead tree collection of my Tolkien/Lewis essays (which is due "eventually"). Working title of the essay is: "A Solution for Which There Is No Known Problem."
ReplyDeleteWard seems to have a rather queer relationship to ""The Silver Chair"?
"Why would he have been so interested in medieval cosmology?"
Is that a commonly occuring question?