Sunday, March 27, 2011

An Excerpt From A Longer Moving Picture


Thomas said...

Is that Saddam Hussein at 0:16 ? I'm confused.

Mike Taylor said...


I certainly would appreciate it if, when you posted a video, you'd say a few words about why you think it's interesting, or relevant to your ongoing argument, or amusing, or what have you.

(This may be terribly obvious to everyone else, and maybe I am just slow on the uptake.)

Mike Taylor said...
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Andrew Rilstone said...

@Mike In this case, I just thought I'd follow 3 months of "heavy" posts with a few clips that I thought were funny and / or fun. No particular significance beyond that (although I did think of putting the Marx Brothers clip out on the day the Libya thing started.)

Andrew Rilstone said...

although, of course, now I think about it you can read all sorts of clever connections in -- Fry and Laurie is a commentary on gay marriage and the whole notion of camp; Jake Thackray is about 1970s notions of free lover and promiscuity; the Morris represents the idea that sexuality is about fertility and nothing else, and er...

Andrew Rilstone said...

One never needs a reason to post a clip from the Marx Brothers.

I. Dall said...

@Mr. Rilstone: "the Morris represents the idea that sexuality is about fertility and nothing else, and er... "
Some versions involve a man in a pink frilly dress? Of course, he is named the "fool", but he is also The Secret Lord of the Dance, and
Good Lord. How Elder are the Elders of the Gay Lobby?