Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Frequently AskedQuestions

Hey Andrew: what did you think of the last season of Doctor Who?

I have put a short (6,000 words) collection of reactions to the adventures of Bradley Walsh and his Whacky Companion on my Patreon Page (PDF, Kindle and Epub format.)

Back me on Patreon and you can read them right now. 

How much does it cost to back you on Patreon?

Most of my Patreon backers give me $1 for each essay I write, which comes out as $4 or about £3 a month. If everyone reading this donated at that level, I could pay myself £8,000 a year for my writing.

I don't want to join Patreon but I still want to know what you thought of the last season of Doctor Who

I know some of you, quite understandably, don't want little bits of cash dribbling out of your bank account each month; so I am very happy to make the little e-book available to non-Patreons on a "pay what you like" basis. (I'd suggest about a fiver, but no donation is too small.)

Just push this magic button, and hey presto, happy blogger. (Include your e-mail so I can wibble the files in your general direction.)

Are you going to write any more about Doctor Who?

I have added some more tiers to my Patreon

At $145 I will put my short book on the Capaldi years together, including brand new essays on Season 9

At $150 I will steel myself to watch Class and tell you what I thought of it.

Further down the line, I also intend to work my way through Tom Baker's canon.

Are you going to put the Spider-Man Essays together into a book?

I have added this as a tier on Patreon as well: at $175 I'll start work on the Big Spider-Man Collection. (My plan is to make it available for free as an E-Book to all my loyal Patreon Fans; and to initially sell it at cost price on Lulu so my Loyal Supporters don't end up paying me twice.) Three will doubtless be some Special Features which we will talk about nearer the time.

Patreon is all about Micropayments. Don't feel you need to put a large sum in the pot: if everyone pledged $1 I could go professional.

What are you going to next?

My Lent series will start in a few days. Watch this space.

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