The New Warrior Training Adventure is a process of initiation and self-examination that is crucial to the development of a healthy and mature male self. It is the "hero's journey" of classical literature and myth - the process of moving away from the comforting embrace of the mother's feminine energy and safely into the masculine kingdom. It is a journey of the soul during which men confront their dependence on women, their mistrust of other men and their need to be special....The cost of the NWTA in the UK is £595. This covers all board, lodging and tuition for the weekend. A deposit of £125 is usually asked to secure your place.
The Mankind Project.
A mere twelve hundred dollars to learn how to be a proper man in our own pansified age? With myth and heroism no less? Sign me up!
Finally, a grand day out for all us regular readers of Andrew's blog! Can everyone make it?
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